Site Review
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DesiXNXX has desi porn on its pages. It doesn’t share the hottest layout when it comes to a tube, but they focus on delivering good niche content. I like what I see and if I would be a big desi fan, I would bookmark this place. Well, I started this review with the conclusion, instead of giving you the arguments. Alright, hear me out!
The homepage has thumbnails for the latest updates. Underneath the screen captures, you will see a title, the number of views and the date of upload. If you will scroll, you will see a new section called New Videos. WTF? Haven’t we already seen the newest posts? Why do you show them twice? Whatever. Scrolling more will give you the most viewed clips.
Besides a search box in the header, you won’t have anything else. But, in the end, you don’t want more. All you want is fine porn, not fancy buttons and design options. When you will set your foot in a post, you will have a big video player that works and loads as it should. Also, you will have video suggestions under it. Use them for similar content. Click on the screenshot now!
ThePornDon likes DesiXNXX's
- Quality of Movies
- Content
- Mobile Friendly
ThePornDon hates DesiXNXX's
- Only the first half of the video is free