Site Review
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Some people asked me what’s my opinion about I decided to review it and add it on my pages. Read this review to learn everything about this place. is a porn tube where you will have adult videos, alongside photos. All of these will be added under categories like 3D, amateur, anal, BBW, big butt, blonde, celebrity, compilation, creampie, cuckold, dildos / toys, fantasy, fetish and so many others. You will find the full list in the navigation bar (and you will know how many materials have been added under every each and one of the niches). Still in that bar, you will have the opportunity to swap between clips and pics. You will also have games. And a forum, but that is on an external platform.
The homepage shows videos being watched right now. All of them are added under thumbnails, titles, number of views and date of upload. I like the fact that they have previews if you will hold your mouse pointer on any of the thumbs.
Scroll to reach the most recent videos. You won’t have a menu to use for browsing between pages, but a red button that says “+More Recent Videos”. Fucking obvious!
ThePornDon likes PhicaTube's
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- Mobile Friendly
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